Facultad de Ciencias Químicas

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Dear friend,

BioIberoamerica is a biannual event that strengthens the bonds between Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula and the international forum most important in this region. BioIberoamérica 2024 will take place from 3-6 September 2024 in Monterrey, one of the most dynamic cities in the world, located in the northeast of Mexico, a region bordering the USA, characterized by a dynamic strategy for economics, social development, innovative, with educative institutions recognized globally and a great biotechnological sector including the main biotech cluster in Mexico. The main objective is to get together all the scientific community interested in biotechnological developments, including outstanding scientific leaders. The event proposes a broad program of activities with oral presentations, poster sessions, round tables, workshops, and parallel technical sessions, to bring together experts to promote the exchange of experiences among the different actors of the biotechnology sector, to identify the demands of research, innovation and technology transfe. Bioiberoamerica has become one of the leading biotech events in Iberoamerica, being the perfect setting for forging new partnerships, scientific and academic collaboration, and strengthening existing business relationships in the biotechnological global sector. BioIberoamerica 2024 will bring together more than 500 participants working in health, sustainable agri-food, and climate change solutions and biotechnological innovations. The event is attended by professionals, students, exhibitors, and investors.

  • Bioenergy & Biorefinery
  • Biosystems & Systhetic Biology
  • Human Health & Biotechnology
  • Bioeconomy & Sustainability
  • Biocatalysis & Biotransformation
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Agricultural & Food Biotechnology
  • Bioengineering & Bioprocesses
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Frontiert on Biotechnology

First Call ​  May 15th, 2023​
Attendance registration​  Jan-Sept, 2024​
Abstracts submissions​  Jan-Jul 30th, 2024​

July 2024 ​  150 € / 170 $ USD​
August 2024 ​  200 € / 230 $ USD​
September 2024 ​  250 € / 300 $ USD​
*Students with credential have 50 % discount​

Short oral presentation and Poster

  1. Download the abstract template.
  2. Edit in the template without modifying the format.
  3. Fill out the registration form.


  1. Fill out the registration form

*Note. Each participant can present maximum 2 works

Link Registration:


Abstract template:


The payment of the registration fee can be done as follows:

  • Bank Transfer

Please transfer the payment to BBVA

Bank details: Centro de Investigación e Innovación Científica y Tecnológica UADEC

CLABE number: 012078001204319901


Please state the name of the registered person and send copy of bank transfer by email. Students, please upload your ID student or certificate within 72 hours.


All transfer charges must be prepaid by the transmitter.

Location: Biblioteca Universitaria Raúl Rangel Frías.
Av. Alfonso Reyes #4000.
C.P. 64290. Monterrey, N.L.

Information: E-mail bioiberoamerica2024@uadec.edu.mx

Dr. José Sandoval Cortés
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila