- (844) 415-3933 | 439-3109
- Ant. Edificio Fac. de Sistemas. Glz. Lobo y V. Carranza. C.P. 25280. Saltillo, Coahuila.
To set the necessary accounting procedures for the good administration of the University’s resources, controlling and supervising its compliance, through the exercise of comprehensive audits focused not only on inspection, but on prevention, granting the necessary training to the administrative areas which perform such activities.
We aim to consolidate the administrative and accounting criteria in the handling, recording and control of the operations which involve incomes, expenses and the wealth of the university in general. It is intended to make an extensive application of the norms and procedures implemented at the central administration, for the punctual follow-up of its operational programs, which will allow to understand with greater timeliness and precision the financial situation of our institution through its different departments, faculties, schools and institutes.