- (01 844) 432-1197 | 432-1198 | 432-3820
- Blvd. Nazario Ortíz Garza. Saltillo, Coahuila.
To develop the students of UAdeC in an integral manner, strengthening their values as well as their physical and intellectual skills required for their professional formation.
The comprehensive formation of our athlete students will be one of the fundamental principles of Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, and in this concept, sports are a primary activity.
In parallel to the academic discipline and its scientific rigor, sports are considered to be a shaper of will, a channel of youthful energy and a promoter of ideals. In sports, our students will find the indispensable complement which makes their formation as human beings complete and truthful.
That is why one of the premises that must rule this activity at UAdeC establishes that sports are for everyone, in total freedom of choice, and that all students should have access to all disciplines and facilities. Therefore, sports should be conceived here as an instrument to shape both the men and women who are to be useful for Mexico.