M. C. Juan Manuel Morales Santoyo


  • (01 844) 412-1469 | 412-9921
  • Cuauhtémoc y Calz. Fco. I. Madero. Zona Centro. C.P. 25000. Saltillo, Coahuila.

    We are a secondary education institution which belongs to Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, affiliated to the Good Quality Register of the National System of Secondary Education as a certified school.

    We favor the comprehensive formation of students through quality programs under a competency-based focus and through the development of socio-emotional abilities, which allow their insertion in the higher education level, in the labor market and in the social context in which they live.


    The “Dr. Mariano Narváez González” High School is a recognized school in the Good Quality Register of the National System of Secondary Education which impulses a responsible educational community in terms of its academic, ethical and social actions, and which is committed to its sustainable environment.

    Our students are distinguished by being teenagers with particular characteristics and with a high academic performance. They have a humanistic sense in the command of language, information technologies and communications. They are entrepreneurial and capable of posing and solving the problems which their own age context presents. Its graduates preserve and identity with their school and they are recognized in their educational, professional and labor activities as citizens who look for the common good and the harmonious coexistence of everyone.

    Its staff of teachers is certified and owns the ideal profile and the professional and labor competencies which their academic tasks require. It responds to the needs and challenges of an information and communication society through the permanent update of educational needs.

    Its internal organizational and management processes respond to the demands to consolidate in good condition its physical and technological infrastructure, through the optimization of resources and the implementation of operational mechanisms which sustain its academic-administrative activities.


    The “Dr. Mariano Narváez González” High School takes ownership of the values established in the 2016-2019 Institutional Development Plan, which refer to: justice, freedom, responsibility, commitment, honesty, solidarity, respect, tolerance and dialogue.


    The “Dr. Mariano Narváez González” High School is a school which belongs to the National System of High Schools since the year of 2013. Its history dates from the year 1952, when a group of teachers had the initiative to offer secondary studies to the first generation of students who finished middle school during the night shift. In this way, they created the night high school for workers. In 1957, it became part of the constituent schools of Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. The current building started to be used as of 1967 on the street of Cuauhtémoc on the corner with Calzada Francisco I. Madero, in downtown Saltillo. As of 1977, it changed its current name as a well-deserved tribute to one of its prominent pioneers: Dr. Mariano Narváez González. Its staff currently has 110 workers counting teachers and administrative and manual personnel. It serves an average population of 800 students.