Ing. Liliana Gpe. Tovar García.
- 01 (844) 415-2951 | 415-2952
- ltovar@uadec.edu.mx
- Edificio G Planta Baja
Unidad Camporredondo
Saltillo 25020. Saltillo, Coahuila.
University Student:
To strengthen your academic and personal development, the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila offers you the TUTORY service, it will be a teacher of your school or faculty who through the TUTOR figure will be in charge of providing you with the necessary support so that you know your obligations and rights as a University Student, can advise you on all academic matters such as choice of learning units, balance of credits, scholarships, national or international mobility, social service, medical care, among other information of your interest.