It is integrated by the artistic formation workshops and the artistic groups which are representative of the university.
The basic artistic workshops are: modern dance, folk dance, classical ballet, Latin rhythms, guitar, drama, belly dance and painting.
The artistic groups that represent the university are: “Takinkai”, whose genre is Latin-American folk music; “Americanto”, which also performs Latin music; “Armonico”, which performs boleros and romantic popular Mexican themes; “Guitarras de Camara”, whose members execute semi-classical and classical music themes; and at last “Trabuco”, a musical group which interprets trova and Spanish pop music.
It is the other substantive area through which culture promotion labor is performed. In Cultural Linking, we work internally in the university promoting the creation of workshops, courses and certifications; organizing competitions, offering musical shows and plastic art exhibits, with the purpose of developing the sensitivity, skills and aptitudes of the university’s community in the different branches of art. For the general public, Cultural Linking represents an alternative that provides the open population with a diverse and inclusive option where several things can be found, such as: plastic art exhibits, conferences, courses, workshops, concerts, book presentations as well as plays of musical shows.
The diverse university’s precincts destined to host the plastic works of different creators, have been constituted in meeting forums between the society, the university’s community and the art. Among its main activities we can find the promotion of exhibits, guided tours, conferences and book presentations, which promote the art news in relation to the most notorious contemporary aesthetic currents. In the same way, they offer spaces for the exhibit of the works of art and for the divulgation of the artistic activities of the university as well as of the most recognized national and international artists.
We have the “Aurora Morales de Lopez” Cultural Precinct, which hosts the works of art of the Professor Manuel Muñoz Olivares. The Precinct of the University Cultural Heritage exhibits a selection of paintings from the gallery of Ateneo Fuente, which are part of the university cultural heritage, and different pieces of art from the old Purcell Bank. We also exhibit in the infocenters at Camporredondo, on the Arteaga Campus and in the North and Torreon academic units of the university.
One of the strategies to bring together the population and the content generated at the institution is the program of publications of the editorial program. Projects such as “Siglo XX Escritores Coahuilenses” and “Siglo XXI Escritores Coahuilenses”, and the currently ongoing “Celosía: Escritores del Noreste”, promote the edition of books of different genres: novels, narratives, poetry and essays. The Editorial Office also promotes the participation in book fairs and organizes and supports book presentation events. Furthermore, it edits the literary magazine “Caelum”, which is distributed electronically.
It is an area which focuses on the planning and execution of musical shows where the university’s talents are integrated harmoniously: musicians, singers, dancers, actors, set designers, etc. This is done with the purpose of providing students with an expression forum for these manifestations and, in turn, with the objective of offering quality entertainment to the general public.
Through this area, we intend to preserve, promote and recover the documents, materials, movable and immovable property as well as the diverse contributions which have been made to the university and that have favored the increase of the scientific knowledge legacy and that conform the valuable university’s cultural heritage. This is done with the purpose of encouraging the appreciation and the knowledge of the history that defines our identity and with the objective of disclosing this valuable heritage, both to the university’s community as well as to the society in general.